© 2022 Antero Alli. All rights reserved.


Introduction: The Purpose of this Course

There are numerous systems of astrology throughout the world; almost every culture has its own unique star-mapping system. Due to the many genuine cultural and religious differences, these astrological systems can sometims disagree and even find fault with each other. The system I have been studying for over thirty-five years, and what we will be learning in this course, is Western Tropical Astrology.

Two main traps many astrologers fall into are over-generalization and dogmatism. I think the best astrologers provide specific and useful information without telling clients how to live their lives or try to make choices for them. By providing useful information, clients can better make their own well-informed decisions. In this spirit, I will refer to all the various forces (Planets), styles (Signs) and states (Houses) covered in this course as tendencies and not absolutes. Though sometimes certain tendencies can be strident enough to feel absolute, I will still view them as tendencies to minimize dogmatism.

The two-fold purpose of this course: 1) truthful interpretation of astrological symbols in the personal horoscope (and any other chart you study) and 2) engaging a more direct experience of the dynamics these symbols represet. We will not delve into the "true origins" and history of astrology, though ancient mythologies may be referenced. We will not argue the legitimacy of astrology, though opportunities will be offered to test and determine its worth and legitimacy for yourself. Throughout this course, a series of "Research Tasks" will be presented as opportunities to experience firsthand the energy dynamics symbolized in your astrology chart. In this way, your chart interpretations can start taking on a more experience-based perspective with hopefully more empathic interpretations.


You will need a copy of your astrology chart to do this course. At this point, you should have a PDF of your chart that I sent you. Keep this on file and/or print it out so you have immediate access to it. If you lost your chart, email me and I will resend it.


I come from a lingusitic bias. With me, you will be learning astrology as a language. My bias bends simultaneouly pragmatic and poetic. When theories cannot be applied or tested in experimentation, I may dismiss them; nothing personal, it's me. Where astrological interpretations appear too banal or literal, I may find or create a story or a metaphor or ask you to do it. I will refer you to your own actual life to discover a more truthful meaning of your chart. The map is not the territory; we'll use your map to access the territory of the existing conditions of your actual life, not than the life you think or believe you're living. Ths is reality-based astroolgy.

This course offers an experiential, choice-centered approach to astrology. I have reframed the "planets, houses, and signs" as FORCES, STATES and STYLES. This was not done with any pretense of changing astrology but as a semantic device I discovered to gain greater access to the living forces and dynamics these symbols represent. Throughout this course I will occasionally alternate between the terms: planets, houses, signs and FORCES, STATES and STYLES. Feel free to use either set with me.

My book, EXPERIENTIAL ASTROLOGY (hereafter called XA) contains most of the course material and the experiential research tasks. The private web pages in this course have been designed for private use only. I ask that you not share or circulate them.
Note: the Kindle and ePub versions of this book either do not have the same page numbers as the paperback or have no page numbers at all. Since the assignments given in this course are referenced with page numbers from the paperback, hard copy is recommended over digital.

For all you Over-Achievers & Geniuses (and everyone else), this XA course presents an avalanche of astrological information along with numerous experiential tasks. It would be a mistake to assume that you can do everything all in 6 weeks. WTF? Part of the learning process here involves a test to your personal evaluations and choices you make about what you can actually complete, given your available time, energy, interest, and commitment. Call it the Saturn work of knowing your given limitations and where your true commitments are. These choices will make this course a more personal experience for you. As for me, I just work here - you're the boss; you hired me. I will do the best work for you that I know how; sometimes that will mean asking you to do the work for yourself.

Before starting Week One (The States) please read pages 25-33 in the XA book. These pages outline the overarching process and intent of this entire online course and can help clarify the Big Picture of what we are doing here, where we're going and why. Each week's private web pages will be posted by Noon (Pacific time) every Friday. Our weekly posts on the Group Forum and in private emails form the basis of this interaction in this online course. These private webpages will remain online and available through the end of November 2022 when I shut down the forums to prepare for my next online course, The Eight-Circuit Brain that starts in March 24th, 2023.




Though each week will have its own primary focus, each week will also cross-reference other topics to support a non-linear, as well as, a linear presentation of the course content. This course requires approximately six hours per week of homework and independent study. Your success in this course depends on the commitment you demonstrate with each week's assignments and also, with developing meaningful interactions with myself and the others. I view this as a challenging Beginner's Course suitable for Beginning to Intermediate levels of astrological understanding.

Week One: The 12 States and Their Cusps
The 12-point grid of astrological houses will be examined as a mandalic landscape of life experiences to bring greater depth of insight into the meanings of the planets, the astrological signs and the all-important Nodal Axis. Also included: House Cusps.

Week Two: Nodal Axis, the 12 Styles and the Ascendent (Rising Sign)
How the Nodal Axis (North and South Nodes of the Moon) frames the context for the whole chart through which all the planets play a part in the "story" or personal mythos of your life. Also, the 12 astrological styles and the Rising sign.

Week Three: The Forces of Personal Development
The personal (inner planet) forces symbolized by the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be interpreted through the psychological lens of individuation, a progressive process for mapping the maturing personality and Ego.

Week Four: The Transpersonal Forces of Soul Evolution
The transpersonal (outer planet) forces symbolized by astrological Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will be introduced as three distinct types of "outside shock" capable of catalyzing and accelerating transformation, spiritual awakening and humility. Also included are Chiron and the Dispositor Planet theory and technique.

Week Five: Aspects, How the Forces 'Talk' to Each Other
A little math will be required to figure out the angles shared between planets on your chart to determine how they "communicate" with each other: Conjunctions, Trines, Squares, Oppositions, Quincunxes and Sextiles.

Week Six: Transits, Mapping the Timing of Change
Using the predictive technique of "Transits", we will track and map the movements of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to see how the timing of these forces might interface with our own charts and show us the timing of change in our lives but not their causes.


the group forum & private instructor feedback


The XA FORUM starts at

Once you set up your profile page and upload an avatar, you will be ready to interact with others enrolled in this course. If you did not receive the password to enter the Forums, please email me. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions. I view no question as irrelevant or stupid. Please use this email for any future XA correspondence with me: astrologik2012@yahoo.com

I look forward to working with you all.

-- Antero

Please address all private XA course correspondence
to me at:




Click above chart to access
Reading Assignments and Research Tasks